
Asia-Pacific Forum on Renewable Energy 2023

Poster Sessions

Thank you for submitting your abstracts to the AFORE 2023. The Poster presentation information is below.

Categories of the Poster Abstract

PosterⅠ Marine Energy
Wind Energy
Resource Assessment
Geothermal Energy
Gas Hydrate
Policy, Strategy & New Business
Solar Thermal & Zero Energy
Hydrogen & Fuel Cell
Poster Ⅱ Environment/Low Carbon Technology/CCUS
Poster Ⅲ Photovoltaics
Waste to Energy & Utilization

Poster Presentation Information

  PosterⅠ Poster Ⅱ Poster Ⅲ
Place Ballroom 2, 3
Posting Date & Time 09:00-13:00,
November 9 (Thu)
November 9 (Thu)
November 10(Fri)
Presentation Time (Q&A) 10:20-10:50 16:20-16:50 10:20-10:50
Date & Time
After 13:00 on your presentation date After 18:00 on your presentation date After 14:30 on your presentation date

Poster Presentations

- The official language is English.

- Each poster will be displayed for half a day at the Meeting from November 9-10. Presenters should be present before their posters at scheduled times to answer   questions and discuss their results.

- If you do not post a poster, it will be deleted as a no-show from the final abstract book and cannot be used as research results.

- If you post a poster without a presenter at the presentation time, it will be excluded from the evaluation of the excellent thesis award.

* Presenters of the Poster I session are requested to remove the poster immediately after 13:00 for the next Poster II session.

※ Poster

- Poster Title: We recommend keeping the poster title the same as the submitted abstract.

- Poster Presentation size: 90 cm × 120 cm

- The final poster number is subject to change, so please do not include the presentation number when making the poster.

poster size


※ All oral/poster presenters must register to attend the conference.

※ If the presenting author of an abstract does not register (pre-registration or on-site registration) the abstract will be automatically      withdrawn in the final version of the abstract book.

※ If you must withdraw an abstract, please notify the KSNRE Secretariat by e-mail ( as soon as possible.